Crowd funding status (indiegogo)
I didn’t quite know what to expect from the crowd funding campaign when I launched it Monday. I knew I would get contributions from my existing users, but I didn’t know whether or not I would be able to spread the word about the indiegogo campaign. It was quite clear that my existing user base was not sufficient.
You see, I’m really bad at marketing — or maybe that’s not the right way to put it. It’s more like, I’m really bad at marketing something that is not perfect. I am my own worst critic. I see all the flaws, the bugs, the non-optimal workflows. I see all the missing features including those I have planned without anyone asking for it. My to-do list is a mile long.
This is why it has been great to see other people write about MailMate. They can do what I cannot do. Write about the good things without caring too much about the bad things. They can express the enthusiasm that I drown in notes about problematic corner cases.
Therefore, I would like to thank anyone who has ever written anything about MailMate in articles, blogs, comments, or Twitter posts. A special thank you to Macdrifter, Macstories, AppStorm, RunAroundTech, and for writing about MailMate and the campaign. It made a huge difference. I would also like to thank those who have “sold” MailMate to friends, family, or colleagues.
This burst of gratitude was motivated by the more than $21,330 now contributed to the campaign by 295 backers. Most of the contributions have been $50 pledges, but maybe you noticed a substantial spike in the contributions yesterday:
The price of the perk was $2,000, but the actual contribution was $3,000 (the price of a perk can be increased by the backer). This contribution was made by long-term user of MailMate, Apparent, makers of Doxie. They deserve a special thank you.
I may be bad at marketing, but I’m very good at honesty. If you have any questions about the crowd funding campaign or the future of MailMate then you are welcome to ask in the comments.