Primary Crowd Funding Goal Reached
Over the weekend the crowd funding campaign reached its primary goal of $25,000 and it has since increased to more than $27,000. Yet again, thanks to everyone who helped make this happen! Development of MailMate is now guaranteed for the first 6 months of 2014. Maybe more if regular daily sales increase. If you never read about the background for this campaign then you can see it here.
It only took 6 days to reach the goal, but the campaign continues for another 30 days (I cannot stop it even if I wanted to). The rule of thumb is that for every additional $5,000 I can work full time on MailMate for a month. If you wonder about development speed then look at the existing release notes. I would call it steady.
I’ve promised to start distributing license keys to contributors as soon as possible. It appears I only have the email addresses of contributors (and a fake/anonymous name), but a license key is based on the real name of its owner. Therefore, the distribution requires first sending emails forth and back to get the required user details. I need to automate this (using MailMate, of course), but it might take a few more days. Ironically, I am also currently swamped by emails. Be patient.